Continuing the Hunt – TRACKING

Continuing the Hunt–TRACKING


The definition of tracking is: 
A course of action; a method of proceeding
Days, weeks and months go by believing that we are on track with our purpose, goals & objectives.
We believe it because it kind of feels okay, and we kinda did what was on our “To Do” list.
We had meetings that pointed toward our goals….but did we ACTUALLY do anything of significance to meet our goals. Did we make any REAL progress toward the best end results that could have been achieved?
If we do not track our performance, we will not make effective progress!
We convince ourselves that being busy is working hard, being tired at the end of the day, having our desk full of files,
dozens of email, and phone messages filled. 
Being busy does not mean successful progress. We must track our activities in order to manage effective results.
Being off-course by 1% will send an airplane completely away from it’s original destination. 
If you decided to start at the equa tor and fly around the earth, one degree off would land you almost 500 miles off target
If we are going to stay with HUNT and meet our potential then we MUST TRACK our time, energy and efforts or ultimately wonder why our lives ended up at the
wrong destination.

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